
TV Market Round-Up – December 2004

TV Market Round-Up – December 2004

Five continued to perform well in December, adding an impressive 13.7% to its revenues year on year, following an announcement in November that the broadcaster would invest £17 million to boost its programming budget (see Five Boosts Programme Budget By £17 Million).

The broadcaster, currently Britain’s smallest terrestrial operator, clearly has plans to increase its profile and extend overall viewing. Five recently confirmed that it was assessing a number of options for expansion, including the creation of a dedicated children’s TV channel based around its Milkshake programming strand (see Five Eyes Expansion With Digital Children’s Channel).

Elsewhere Channel 4 notched up a respectable increase in its revenues year on year, adding 10.1% in the same period to just under £51 million. December saw the broadcaster unveil plans for a wide-ranging rebrand for 2005, rediscovering its roots and returning its ‘4’ logo to three dimensions (see Channel 4 Plans Wide-Ranging Rebrand For 2005).

GMTV was the only terrestrial broadcaster to see a decline in revenues during December, with a dip of 2.7% year on year to 4.38 million. Satellite broadcasters continued to see a rise in revenues at the end of 2004, with total satellite adding 8.8% year on year to give a total of just under £50 million.

Total Television Revenue – Dec 2004
Total Revenue Dec 03 Dec 04 % Change
ITV1 122,690,000 128,550,000 4.8
C4 47,000,000 51,760,000 10.1
Five 18,550,000 21,100,000 13.7
GMTV 4,500,000 4,380,000 -2.7
Total Terrestrial (inc. GMTV) 192,740,000 205,790,000 6.8
Total Satellite 45,670,000 49,700,000 8.8
Source: Agency Estimates      

ITV Franchises

Carlton and Central saw the largest downturns in revenue share amongst ITV franchises during December, losing 1.1% points year on year to contribute 14.31% and 15.84% respectively to ITV’s total. LWT saw its fortunes increase, however, adding 2.2% points year on year to contribute 12.38% of the broadcaster’s total revenue.

December ITV Franchise Revenue Share Comparison
Station Dec 03 Dec 04 % Point Change
Scotland 6.64 6.42 -0.2
Anglia TV 7.38 7.65 0.3
Carlton 15.39 14.31 -1.1
LWT 10.14 12.38 2.2
Central 16.91 15.84 -1.1
North West/Border 10.12 9.85 -0.3
Meridian 11.65 11.99 0.3
West Country 1.97 2.07 0.1
Ulster (UTV) 2.93 3.13 0.2
HTV 5.86 5.81 -0.1
Yorkshire/North East 11.01 10.54 -0.5

Costs Per Thousand

There were increases in costs per thousand across the board during December, with Channel 4 rising the most, adding a sizeable 16.5% in the Housewives category. Five also increased in the same category, with CPTs rising by 10.1%.

Channel 4 saw double figure percentage increases in all categories, leading the way in all except Men, where Five rose by 17.6% compared to Channel 4’s 14.5%.

  ITV1 % Ch YoY Channel 4 % Ch YoY Five % Ch YoY
Adults 5.86 3.3 6.88 15.3 4.06 11.4
Men 15 8 15 14.5 10 17.6
Women 10 0.4 12 15.9 7.06 6.9
Hwvs 9 1.8 11 16.5 6.29 10.1
Hwvs/Ch 40 7.9 48 16.3 29 13.7
ABC1 Adults 16 4.5 15.27 15.8 12 6

Commercial Impacts

Channel 4 saw sharp declines in commercial impacts during December, with figures dipping across the board. The Housewives category saw the largest downturn, with Channel 4 experiencing a 6.2% decline.

ITV also saw its totals fall at the end of the year, with all but the Women category seeing a dip. Five, on the other hand, saw commercial impacts rising in most categories, with only Men remaining unchanged. The broadcaster added 10% to its Women category during December.

Commercial Impacts
  ITV1 Impacts % Ch YoY C4 Impacts % Ch YoY C5 Impacts % Ch YoY Satellite Impacts % Ch YoY
Adults 25845 -2.6 9,048 -5.2 6,515 5.5 19,712 12.8
Men 10021 -6.8 4,068 -4.6 2,771 0.0 9,850 11.2
Women 15824 0.3 4,981 -5.7 3,745 10.0 9,862 14.4
Hwvs 16624 -1.1 5,445 -6.2 4,207 6.9 10,540 13.4
Hwvs/Ch 3746 -6.6 1,290 -6.0 920 3.5 3,793 13
ABC1 Adults 9507 -3.7 4,076 -5.6 2,179 10.9 8,638 19.6

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