
TV Market Round-Up – November 2006

TV Market Round-Up – November 2006

TV Remote Control November was another tough month for the terrestrial channels, with all of them recording falls in television revenues. The combined revenues fell by nearly 13.6% across the board.

ITV1 was the worst hit, as the channel saw its revenues fall by nearly 15.1% year on year, down from £159.1 million to nearly £135.7 million for the month. November saw the spectacular capture of Michael Grade for the vacant position of ITV Chairman (see BBC Chairman Jumps Ship To ITV Top Job), in a move which was generally received positively by the media industry.

Channel 4 had the next biggest drop in year on year revenue, down by 11% compared to November 2005

Rounding off a tough month, Five saw its revenues fall by 10.7% year on year, while GMTV dropped by 9.3%.

Revenues for satellite channels during the month increased slightly year on year by 2.7% as more advertising money is invested into digital broadcasters.

Total Revenue Nov 05 Nov 06 % Change
ITV1 159,130,000 135,070,000 -15.1
C4 68,500,000 60,950,000 -11.0
Five 29,430,000 26,290,000 -10.7
GMTV 6,560,000 5,950,000 -9.3
Total Terrestrial (inc. GMTV) 263,620,000 228,260,000 -13.4
Total Satellite 79,180,000 81,340,000 2.7
Source: Agency Estimates

ITV Franchises

Central, at 16.62%, remains the ITV franchise area providing the majority of ITV1’s revenue, in much the same way as it did in the previous November.

LWT saw the largest dip in share, of 2.0% points year on year, whilst North West/Border saw the greatest increase, of 1.1% points year on year.

West Country once again provided the smallest share of revenue share, at 2.02%.

% Share of ITV Revenue by Franchise Nov 05 Nov 06 % Point Change
Scotland 6.48 6.72 0.2
Anglia TV 7.43 7.64 0.2
Carlton 14.08 14.08 0.0
LWT 12.35 10.39 -2.0
Central 16.68 16.62 -0.1
North West/Border 9.78 10.88 1.1
Meridian 11.79 11.72 -0.1
West Country 1.95 2.02 0.1
Ulster (UTV) 2.88 2.81 -0.1
HTV 5.78 6.06 0.3
Yorkshire/North East 10.80 11.07 0.3

Costs Per Thousand

ITV1 saw all of its CPTs for our featured audiences fall year on year during November. ABC1 Adults and Housewives with Children saw the greatest declines, down 7.5% and 9.6% respectively.

It was a similar story at Channel 4, where CPTs fell for all audiences with Housewives suffering the largest decline, down 15.3%. Five however, saw increases for all audiences, the largest coming from Housewives with Children at 9.1%.

CPTs Adults Men Women Hwvs Hwvs/Ch ABC1 Adults
ITV1 7.24 20.04 11.33 11.01 43.73 19.78
% Ch YoY -4.7 -1.8 -6.4 -5.3 -9.6 -7.5
Channel 4 8.61 20.82 14.68 13.34 62.13 21.29
% Ch YoY -11.8 -7.0 -15.2 -15.3 -14.0 -4.9
Five 5.55 12.97 9.72 8.36 40.02 16.54
% Ch YoY 4.0 0.3 6.7 2.2 9.1 4.5

Commercial Impacts

ITV1 saw all of its impacts for our featured audiences fall year on year during the month, with Men hardest hit at 13.6%.

Five also saw impacts falling for our featured audiences, with Housewives with Children and Adults experiencing the largest drops, down 18.1% and 14.1% respectively.

Channel 4 meanwhile had a mixed November, seeing impacts fall for Men and ABC1 Adults, whilst Women, Housewives and Housewives with Children all rose.

Satellite impacts rose again, although Housewives with Children increased by just 3.9%, compared with a minimum of 14.1% for our other featured audiences.

Overall then, total broadcast impacts were down for most of our featured audiences, with only Women and ABC1 Adults showing increases, up 0.4% and 1.1% respectively.

BARB: www.barb.co.uk

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