
UK Advertising Forecasts 2001/2002 Round-Up

UK Advertising Forecasts 2001/2002 Round-Up

The advertising market is expected to move once again into positive growth during the course of this year, according to a consensus of forecasts compiled by MediaTel Insight.

It is generally recognised that the first half to three quarters of the year will see a continuation of the decline that hit 2001 so hard, but the fourth quarter is expected to display an upturn in the market. Billetts has already predicted a return to growth around September.

However, some forecasters are still expecting 2002 growth to end up negative. Media Planning Group is forecasting a -1.0% performance for the year, whilst analysts at ABN Amro are even more pessimistic with a prediction of -1.7%. Meanwhile, Zenith Media, Universal McCann and Optimedia are predicting positive growth for the year.

Meanwhile, the UK economy appears to have fared better in the global slowdown than most others, according to a recent appraisal from the International Monetary Fund. In its annual report on the UK, the IMF said that the economy had benefited from ‘prudent and predictable fiscal policy’ – unemployment is now at its lowest level for 25 years and Gordon Brown’s recent pre-budget report (PBR) is said to have ‘set an international standard of best practice’.

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