
UK Broadband Connections Pass Key 3 Million Mark

UK Broadband Connections Pass Key 3 Million Mark

Broadband Britain is rapidly becoming a reality with the latest figures showing that the number of UK households and small businesses with a high-speed internet connection has passed the key 3 million milestone.

Research published today by communications watchdog Oftel show that broadband adoption rates are now running at record levels, with more than 40,000 households and businesses a week installing an always-on internet connection offering faster download speeds.

It is estimated that around 80% of the UK has access to broadband via DSL and around 45% via cable modem. Fixed wireless access is currently available to approximately 12% of the population and satellite has the potential to deliver broadband across the nation.

The rapid growth of broadband has been driven by a steady increase in the number of high-speed internet services on offer, along with the fact that retail prices for broadband products are significantly lower than in the US and Germany.

David Edmonds, director general of Oftel, said: “In the last five years the internet has moved from the margins to the mass-market, with half of all UK households and two-thirds of businesses now online. That shift – with some of the lowest prices in the world – was significantly boosted by Oftel’s intervention to bring about flat-rate narrowband access.”

The Government has committed itself to making the UK the most competitive and extensive broadband market in Europe by 2005 and E-Commerce Minister, Stephen Timms, claims that reaching the 3 million figure is a significant milestone in this process.

He said: “The fact that 3 million households and small businesses are now subscribing to broadband is a real achievement. I now look forward to building on this momentum and seeing that take-up figure move past 4 or 5 million at the earliest possible time.”

A recent report from Forrester suggests that broadband internet access will be installed in 50 million, or 30%, of European homes by 2008, representing 57% of the online population at that time.

Oftel: 020 7634 8761 www.oftel.gov.uk

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