
UK Broadband Reaches Two Million Homes

UK Broadband Reaches Two Million Homes

The number of broadband internet homes in the UK has reached two million, with new connections running at 35,000 every week, according to new figures from Oftel.

The telecoms regulator says that many of the new subscriptions come from customers upgrading their narrowband services to broadband.

“It took two years to reach one million connections, but only seven months to reach two million, as increased competition and lower prices have boosted connection rates,” says Oftel’s director general, David Edmonds.

Oftel claims to have created in the UK one of the most competitive broadband markets in Europe. However, the Countryside Agency recently appealed for a boost to the availability of broadband services in rural areas, in which only a quarter of homes currently have access.

Earlier figures from the Office Of National Statistics show that the number of high speed internet connections grew by 256% year on year in 2002, to account for 11% all UK internet subscriptions.

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