
Virgin Mobile Escapes Censure Over Toilet Humour

Virgin Mobile Escapes Censure Over Toilet Humour

A television ad for Virgin Mobile has been cleared of being indecent by Ofcom, despite complaints from more than 400 viewers that its depiction of one man helping another to use a urinal in a public toilet was offensive.

Of the 427 complaints received by the super-regulator, the majority were offended by the implication of the advert, while a small proportion believed that the scene, which was shot from the waist up, amounted to an indecent assault or a sexual act.

Four complainants felt that the ad denigrated black people, despite all the characters shown in the advertisement being black. A further two felt that it was offensive to the disabled.

However, Ofcom rejected all the complaints, stating that the advert showed a bizarre situation and had no overt sexual insinuations. The watchdog explained: “We agree with the advertiser that the use of black actors was irrelevant and this could therefore not be seen as being derogatory to black people. Similarly, given the overall tone and context of the advertisement, it did not mock the disabled or their carers.”

The advert will now be shown only after 9pm, as Ofcom stated: “While the nature of the service being shown would not be to everyone’s taste, we think that most viewers would accept it in the spirit in which it was intended and would not find it unacceptable after 9pm.

Last month IPC’s flagship men’s magazine Loaded was cleared of causing offence and demeaning women with a magazine advert and billboard for its 10th anniversary. The adverts both used the magazine’s ‘Fighting For Feminism’ strapline and showed a profile view of a naked woman holding a burning bra.

However, the Advertising Standards Authority decided that the advert was ‘in keeping with Loaded‘s cheeky, laddish character’ and did not believe it was offensive or unsuitable to be seen by children (see Loaded Anniversary Campaign Cleared Over Feminist Jibe).

Ofcom: 020 7981 3040 www.ofcom.org.uk

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