
3G Makes A Slow Start In The UK

3G Makes A Slow Start In The UK

Hutchison 3G, Europe’s first third-generation operator has sold 20,000 handsets in the UK since its launch earlier this year.

Despite a high profile advertising campaign for its ‘3’ service, Hutchison is signing up new customers at a rate of just 200 a day, according to the Financial Times. With the video phone costing £200, price is obviously a stumbling block and the “all-inclusive” monthly tariffs come in at £60 and £100. UK mobile customers currently spend an average of approximately £30 per month on their phones.

Analysts remain doubtful whether Hutchison will be able to reach its target of attracting 1 million customers in the country by the end of 2002. The company is having more success in Italy where it has managed to sign up around 50,000 subscribers since March.

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