
5% Of US Broadband Users Use Mobile Internet

5% Of US Broadband Users Use Mobile Internet

Only 5% of US broadband users (approximately five million) use the mobile internet, according to a new report from Media-Screen.

The report says that although more than 60% of users currently own an internet-enabled mobile device, they are reluctant to partake in online mobile activities due to extra fees and difficulties establishing and maintaining internet connections.

The Netpop|Pocket report also reveals a significant gap between accessing the internet on mobile devices and computers when comparing the number of online activities performed through each.

Users perform an average of 3.3 online activities on their mobile device versus 13.4 activities on their laptop/desktop, according to Media-Screen, reinforcing the fact that online activities have yet to migrate into the pockets of broadband users.

Jean Durall, Media-Screen’s director of research services, said: “Broadband users represent an important audience to track as they have historically driven innovation of online applications by being the first to adopt and embrace new services on the internet.

“Although the mobile Internet is still in its infancy due to technological and pricing hurdles, understanding this group of influential consumers will help carriers, content providers and marketers develop new offerings.”

The Netpop|Pocket report reveals that among broadband users, the most popular mobile activities are communications-related, similar to the drivers during the early days of the internet.

Even though mobile is touted as the ‘third screen’, less than one in five users access news or television shows from a mobile device; however this is likely to grow when pricing and packaging issues are improved, says Media-Screen.

The report shows that the top mobile internet activities are sending email (47%), playing games (27%) and reading the news (16%).

Furthermore, the marketing and advertising messages surrounding the mobile internet do not resonate with most users. Over 50% of respondents say that the mobile internet access does not “fit with their lifestyle”.

Durall added: “The persistent media portrayal of mobile Internet users as either carefree youth or hard-driving professionals may be reinforcing perceived lifestyle differences, unintentionally delaying broader consumer adoption.

“Providers and manufacturers must reevaluate their marketing messages to make sure the benefits of mobile access are directed beyond the ‘Road Warriors’ and ‘MySpacers’ of the world.”

Recent research from the the Online Publishers Association showed that the mobile internet is becoming a compelling platform for content and marketing (see Mobile Internet Becoming Compelling Marketing Platform).

Informa Telecoms & Media, meanwhile, have predicted that mobile internet will herald a dramatic growth in revenues in the mobile content and services market, forecasting that the overall mobile entertainment market grows from US$18.84 billion in 2006 to US$38.12 billion in 2011 (see Mobile Internet To Herald Growth In Content And Service Revenues).

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