
55% of European internet users online every day

55% of European internet users online every day

Over half (55%) of European internet users are now online every day, new research from the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) has found.

According to the research, three quarters (75%) are using the internet during their evenings and 51% of Europeans (up 13% from last year) are on the web at the weekends.

Almost half (49%) of broadband users are using wireless, while almost three quarters (73%) of European internet users state that they are staying in touch with friends and relatives more because of the internet.

Time spent online has risen amongst the 25-34 year old age group (from 13 hours in 2007 up to 13.9), with 36% now heavy users of the internet, spending an average of 16 hours or more online each week, and almost two thirds (63%) online daily.

Almost half (49%) of this age group regularly communicate via social networking sites and more than a quarter (26%) have created personal profiles (+24% since 2007).

A recent study carried out by lifestyle consultancy Tuned In Research found that 16-30 year olds in the UK are spending more time online (an average 19 hours per week) than watching TV (an average 15 hours per week) (see 16-30 year olds spending more time online than watching TV).

When researching or considering a product or service, the EIAA research found that 64% of European internet users consider personal recommendations important, said the research, with websites of well-known brands (49%) and both online customer (46%) and expert (45%) reviews following closely.

In addition, 41% of European internet users admitted to changing their mind about the brand they were about to buy based on online research and the amount converting to purchase was boosted to 87%. As a result of this growing confidence, consumers made a record number of purchases online in 2008 – a mean average of 9.2 purchases per person over a six month period versus 7.7 in 2007.

  2008 Study 2004 Study Growth
Online research to purchase conversion rate 87% 50% 74%
Researched online 97% 80% 21%
Bought online 84% 40% 110%
Researched online, bought offline 85% 57% 49%
Source: EIAA

Research published by Nielsen Online earlier this month revealed that more than three-quarters (78%) of adult online consumers in the US made some type of online purchase in the past six months (see Almost 80% of US adult online consumers made web purchases in past six months).

Alison Fennah, executive director of the EIAA, said: “Far from the information tool of five years ago, the internet has evolved into more than just a media. Now it is effective tool that enables today’s consumers to control and develop their lifestyle experiences, whether that be communication, entertainment, information gathering or resource management.

“This is never more evident than by the fact that the traditionally upmarket yet time-poor Golden Youth are increasingly turning to the internet. As a result there is a wealth of opportunity for brands and advertisers to effectively engage with these active consumers, the challenge is in creating campaigns that enable them to continue feeling in control.”

Five Years of Rapid Growth 
  2008 Study 2004 Study Growth
Weekly internet use 60% 47% 28%
Weekday internet use 59% 47% 25%
Weekend internet use 51% 39% 31%
Time spent online per week 12.0 hours 8.8 hours 36%
Days spent online each week (average) 5.6 4.9 14%
Proportion online every day 55% 40% 38%
Proportion of heavy internet users 28% 17% 65%
Broadband penetration rates 80% 56% 43%
Source: EIAA

The study involved 9,095 interviews in total with 6000 CATI interviews in UK, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands in addition to 3000 online interviews in Scandinavia along with 3000 interviews using an Omnibus study.

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