
78% Of US DVR Households Playback Shows Within 1 Week

78% Of US DVR Households Playback Shows Within 1 Week

Amongst US television households with digital video recorders (DVRs), more than 78% of all viewers who watch recorded broadcast primetime shows within a week play them back within two days and 84% play them back within three days, according to new research from Nielsen Media Research.

Nielsen says that among viewers age 18-49, 76% played back broadcast network primetime programs within 48-hours.

During the same time period, 84% watched primetime shows they recorded off advertiser-supported cable networks; and 85% viewed time-shifted syndicated shows within two days.

By the third day, those percentages rose to 84% for primetime broadcast, 90% for primetime cable and 91% for total syndication.

Amongst all households age 18-49, 2.6% of viewing time is DVR playback, but among households with DVRs, 22.9% of all primetime minutes viewed are via DVR playback.

Amongst total minutes of primetime programming viewed by households with DVRs within seven days, the percentage that is played back from DVR is: broadcast networks: 41.1% ad-supported cable: 17.9% syndication: 14.1%.

Percentage of broadcast primetime programming that is played back within two and three days: 
  Same Day 2-Day 3-Day
Monday 41 75 81
Tuesday 45 75 81
Wednesday 49 70 82
Thursday 45 80 89
Friday 28 68 77
Saturday 73 93 98
Sunday 60 80 87

Pat McDonough, Nielsen Media Research’s senior vice president of Planning and Analysis, said: “The TV landscape is changing rapidly, and as consumers increasingly decide for themselves when to watch their favourite shows, Nielsen will establish new means to track their behaviour.

“This latest analysis allows clients to better understand how DVR playback affects viewing over seven days. It will enable us to work with clients to determine the most appropriate way to incorporate this data into our measurements.”

Recent research from MPG said that the growth in penetration of digital video recorders in the US does not appear to be impacting live ratings of major network broadcasters live schedules and could be helping attract larger audiences to shows (see US DVR Penetration Not Impacting Live Ratings).

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