
9 Out Of 10 DVR Users Can Recall Adverts

9 Out Of 10 DVR Users Can Recall Adverts

Digital video recorders (DVR) may not bring about the demise of TV advertising, but surprisingly, may have the opposite effect, says a new report from InsightExpress.

The joint report, Demystifying Digital Video Recorders, carried out by the market research firm and advertising publishers, MediaPost, reveals that DVR owners are watching more hours of TV than ever, with 9 out of 10 DVR users saying they can recall commercials – even while fast forwarding.

Interestingly for advertisers, the report says that the number of people leaving the room during commercial breaks is totally eliminated thanks to DVRs. The recapture rate of users who ‘zap’ – or watch commercials has risen by 96%, while only 51% of people in a non-DVR environment stay in the room to ‘zap’ TV advertisements.

DVR users can adjust their TV viewing to accommodate their busy schedules, which in turn leads to more hours being watched. Since buying a DVR, users say that their average additional weekly hours of TV viewed has risen by 24%, with increased TV viewing satisfaction rising by 37%.

Further good news is that 54% of DVR users say that they have rewound or paused TV commercials to understand the product being advertised, while 37% of users would welcome the opportunity to request information via their DVR when viewing commercials of interest, says the report.

InsightExpress president, Lee Smith said: “While many continue to focus upon the potential detractive impact of DVRs, consumer attitudes reveal significant opportunities to help drive television advertising dollars.”

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