
Quantcast to launch tool that measures app visitors

Quantcast to launch tool that measures app visitors


Quantcast has announced that it will be launching a tool that will directly measure visitors to mobile apps via cross-platform measurement.

Quantcast specialises in audience measurement and real-time advertising and with its latest development, Measure for Apps, aims to “empower” publishers and app developers, as well as monetising digital audiences by providing an accurate way to measure across all platforms.

For publishers, the new service will showcase mobile application and web audience reach and engagement for advertisers and third parties. Furthermore, users will be able to gain additional insight into unique users as well as visits, installs and trends.

App developers will be able to compare mobile statistics across mobile applications and will have the option to make available their metrics to everyone, with the addition of return usage metrics, which means that brands with apps can track audience trends.

“Apps have become an everyday habit for billions of consumers, and publishers and advertisers need better tools to uncover this hidden audience in order to gain a unified view,” said Konrad Feldman, CEO and co-founder of Quantcast.

“By directly measuring mobile app consumption, publishers and advertisers can drill down beyond app installations to learn key insights including audience loyalty and usage. Measure for Apps offers free, direct audience measurement and insights across all platforms – online, mobile web and mobile apps.”

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