
Viewers are more receptive to brand advertising in evenings, reports TubeMogul

Viewers are more receptive to brand advertising in evenings, reports TubeMogul

TM final

The latest video report from TubeMogul has revealed the impact that brand advertising has on UK viewers, with audiences being most receptive to brand advertising during traditional primetime hours.

TubeMogul spans hundreds of millions of impressions across standard pre-roll video ads in order to collate brand lift data, and the latest results reflect the fourth quarter of 2012.

Between 8pm and midnight, brand favourability increased from 2.9% to 5.9%, and viewers that saw an ad stated that they intended to make a purchase 6% more than those viewers that did not see an ad.

TubeMogul found that online video primetime was the same as traditional TV.

The report further revealed that completion rates for 15 second and 30 second pre-roll ads for tier one sites are at an all-time high – 89.8% and 90%, respectively.

Engagement rates for interactive pre-roll are highest between midnight and 1am (6%), followed by traditional primetime (4.8%).

Pre-roll video ads available for programmatic buying in England are continuing to expand rapidly with an 18.4% monthly growth on average, surpassing 66.2 million streams per day in January 2013.

In the last three months of the quarter, an additional 40.4 million pre-roll impressions per day were brought online, doubling the figures from the first half of the year.

A full report of TubeMogul’s findings can be read here.

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