
Viewing of on-demand content up by 40% in US

Viewing of on-demand content up by 40% in US


The latest State of VOD US trend report by Rentrak reveals that the total time spent viewing free on-demand television in 2012 increased by over 40% compared to the previous year.

The report – which accounts for over 102 million televisions and includes four years of video on-demand analysis – further showed that the total number of on-demand programmes watched increased by 29% over the year.

Narrowing the results down to just broadcast networks, the numbers became much more significant. There was a 60% year-on-year (YoY) increase in total time spent viewing on-demand, and a 47% YoY growth in the total number of programmes watched.

HD viewing also increased – up over 60% YoY – as did the total number of televisions that accessed video on-demand content each month, up 5% on 2011 and a 13% increase from 2010.

“There is no doubt that this kind of growth is reshaping budgets of cable operators, content providers and advertisers,” said Rentrak’s corporate president and president of the AMI division, Cathy Hetzel.

“Our reporting gives perspective on how many ad dollars could be left behind if on-demand content is not considered by the planners of TV.”

The news comes just shortly after GfK released their Digital Connections report, which revealed that 21% of survey participants said that they spend more time watching television content because of digital viewing platforms, such as on-demand.

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