
Connected Consumer Awards: 19 June 2013

Connected Consumer Awards: 19 June 2013


MediaTel is to host its very first Connected Consumer Awards – the ‘Connies’ – in recognition of those pioneering new advertising and commercial opportunities in the connected industry.

Following the annual Connected Consumer conference – an unmissable two day event that this year is set to focus on TV and video on-demand in a multi-screen world, including a hands-on trip around iBurbia studios – an awards ceremony will take place at Nomura to celebrate innovation in the sector.

Companies will be able to nominate themselves and others into one of the following six categories – Best Innovation, Best Technology, Best Campaign, Best Research Project, Best App and Most Connected Agency.

The judging panel will review and select a winner for each category, as well as choose one overall grand prix winner.

After the conference has closed, nominees and guests will be invited to Nomura for a drinks reception, with the awards ceremony starting early evening. And just because one isn’t enough, another drinks reception will follow to celebrate the winners – and losers – because it’s not about the winning but the…

You know how it goes. It was drilled into our brains during every primary school sports day.

For more details on the categories and how you can nominate and attend, see our events page where an entry form can also be downloaded – deadline for entries at 5pm on 17 May 2013.

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