
Thinkbox appoints Flamingo and Tapestry for new Screen Life study into VOD

Thinkbox appoints Flamingo and Tapestry for new Screen Life study into VOD


Thinkbox has commissioned Flamingo and Tapestry to undertake the second in its series of ‘Screen Life’ research studies, which will focus on how people are watching VOD and how that differs from – and adds to – linear viewing.

Expected to begin this summer, the new study – ‘Screen Life: TV in demand’ – will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques to examine how and why people are now watching TV, looking at the reasons people choose to watch linear TV and VOD and their attitudes to new screens, such as tablets and smartphones.

It has been designed to help marketers understand different TV behaviours and the effects they have on how TV advertising works.

The quantitative research will use mobile diaries to record viewing habits in near real time and the qualitative research will make use of Flamingo’s proprietary ‘Fieldnotes’ app, which allows viewers to capture and share their answers wherever and whenever they are, using text, photo and video.

Neil Mortensen, Thinkbox’s Research and Strategy Director explains that as TV expands on to new screens and our appetite for on-demand increases, marketers need to understand what this all means for their brands and what the opportunities are.

Andy Davidson, Head of Flamingo’s UK Practice said: “We recognise that today TV can be consumed anywhere at any time so, from a research point of view, there is a need to be pretty much omnipresent if you want to capture every occasion and make sense of what is happening. That is why over 90% of the fieldwork for this study will be conducted using mobile devices.”

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