
TV Overnights: CSI Blitz nabs the 9pm slot for ITV

TV Overnights: CSI Blitz nabs the 9pm slot for ITV

Murder on the Home FrontIn the all-important 9pm slot last night, BBC One decided to mimic its rival channels and gave us the first episode in a new series about hoarding – the silent killer.

If you were to believe the schedules, this particular epidemic is sweeping across the country at an alarming rate, prompting many low-rent presenters to convince vulnerable old people to chuck out all their stuff and film it for prosperity.

Britain’s Biggest Hoarders followed the familiar format as A Place in the Sun – Home or Away (you might be familiar with it if you work from home) presenter Jasmine Harman waved her magic wand over troubled lives, transforming people for our entertainment.

Although presenter Jasmine is probably more qualified than her ‘qualified’ tangoed counterpart on Channel 4 (she helped her mother fight off the perilous condition), the show did beg the question – is the nation really going hoarding mad?

Or is this the makeover show simply taken to the next level? A spring clean and a new lick of paint for the home and mind. Whatever the angle, the show about life or death de-cluttering had some kind of pull as 3.4 million viewers tuned in for the cathartic spring clean, resulting in a 15% share.

At the same time on BBC Two, acclaimed and controversial drama, The Politician’s Husband (9pm), wrapped things up in the third and final episode. The story of a disgraced politician desperately trying to clamber his way back into influence saw David Tennant and Emily Watson star as a couple with changing power dynamics.

The quasi-sequel to 1995’s The Politician’s Wife captured 2.5 million viewers two weeks ago, with last night’s finale bringing in a smaller audience of 2 million viewers and a 9% share.

Over on ITV was the first half of period forensic procedural, Murder on the Home Front (9pm), which was basically Silent Witness set during the Blitz and starred Julian and Anne from The Famous Five as spirited do-gooders.

Poor old prostitutes never have a good time of it on TV and last night was no exception. When a number of murdered ladies of the night began to pop up in the rubble all over London, a misunderstood pathologist named Collins alienated his superiors with his many progressive and modern ideas. So that’s also a portion of Ripper Street thrown in for good measure too.

With the help of his zesty assistant Molly, the pair used forward-thinking and a robust sense of Britishness to hunt down the crazed Nazi-inspired slayer. Mashing together so many ingredients may not have resulted in a brand new property, but the patchwork of ideas proved popular enough with the viewing nation. 4.5 million viewers tuned in for the ‘golly gosh’ murder spree, resulting in a 20% and the biggest audience in the 9pm slot.

Meanwhile, Channel 4 brought us the second half of the bailiffing adventures of Sean James and his motley reposition crew. Last night saw The Repo Man (9pm) use the ungodly weather of the recent winter as an opportunity to catch people who have been snowed in.

1.6 million watched the show, which was kind of like our version of Dog the Bounty Hunter but less cartoonish. And much more rubbish. An audience share of 7% made it the most watched Channel 4 show of the day.

Earlier in the day, ITV broadcast a double helping of Emmerdale beginning at 7pm. The first episode was watched by 6.6 million viewers, with the second half at 8pm only managing 5.8 million and a 26% share.

Sandwiched in between the bitch-slapping rural antics was a trip to the friendly urban borough of Walford on BBC One. Poor Roxy had been standing in the same spot, in the grips of a robber, for two days straight since Tuesday’s terrifying cliff-hanger. It must have come to some relief, then, when love rival Kat swooped in and saved the day.

Last night’s EastEnders (7:30pm) highlighted Katwoman’s virtuous crime-fighting skills, fighting off the criminal with her ill-thought out one-liners. 6.8 million viewers tuned in to see the mouthy bruiser use her mad negotiation skillz to secure the Queen Vic’s booty in the safe. The soap pulled in a 33% share and attracted the biggest audience of the day.

Overnight data is available each morning in mediatel.co.uk’s TV Database, with all BARB registered subscribers able to view reports for terrestrial networks and key multi-channel stations.

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