
VIDEO: the merging of out-of-home and mobile

VIDEO: the merging of out-of-home and mobile

Primesight EA Games

Last week’s MediaTel and Primesight event saw a number of senior media executives meet to discuss the merging of out-of-home and mobile – and explain the opportunities and challenges.

In our exclusive online video, hear from Shaun Gregory, global advertising director at Telefonica, Stewart Easterbrook, CEO Starcom MediaVest Group, Chris Forrester, commercial director at Primesight Outdoor, Mark Fraser, founder of Zappit and Steve Pollack, head of media at Nestlé, amongst others, discuss the implications of the growing union between out-of-home and mobile, what the future of consumer engagement will look like and what’s in store for mobile wallets.

You can also read more about mobile and out-of-home from Dominic Mills and Steve Smith as they tackle some of the creative hurdles the new technologies pose.

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