
BBC ranked higher than Channel 4 and ITV in youth brand survey

BBC ranked higher than Channel 4 and ITV in youth brand survey


The BBC has been ranked more popular than all other media and entertainment brands amongst 16-34 year olds, according to a new survey from wOOt! Media.

The ‘Generation Y and Brand Loyalty’ study surveyed 1,000 16-34 year olds, revealing that the BBC is the 14th most popular brand amongst the demographic in the UK, behind Cadbury’s and Amazon, who top the chart.

However, the Beeb claims the top spot when it comes to media and entertainment – significantly ahead of Channel 4 (24th), ITV (43rd), Sky (53rd) and Virgin Media (90th).

The BBC’s lead on Channel 4 might be seen as surprise to some as Channel 4 has traditionally been viewed as the main youth broadcast brand.

Dan McDevitt, w00t! Media’s joint managing director said that Channel 4’s pre-roll advertising is a key factor as to why youths prefer the BBC – something that was discussed at this year’s Youth, Media & Technology event.

“Content aside, there’s probably one major factor in why the BBC is more liked amongst young adults than Channel 4 – their digital platforms,” McDevitt said.

“Both iPlayer and 4oD fit in with the way they like to consume media – picking and choosing what they want to watch and when, however, the BBC’s lack of pre-roll advertising is cited as a major plus versus other streaming services.”

Amazon, which owns LOVEFiLM, ranked at number two, while Google came in at number six. YouTube missed out on the top ten by two spots, liked by 66%.

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