
Nielsen launches first system to deliver multi-screen advertising measurement

Nielsen launches first system to deliver multi-screen advertising measurement

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Nielsen has announced a ‘major step forward’ for multi-platform advertising measurement in the UK, with the commencing of public beta trials for its Nielsen Cross-Platform Campaign Ratings service.

Nielsen Cross-Platform Campaign Ratings will take the commercial exposures from an advertiser’s TV ads and its online ads, and, for the first time, will report on the combined audience for the campaign.

This allows advertisers, agencies and publishers – already including Unilever, Mondelez, Aegis, OMG and Universal McCann London – to answer fundamental questions in a ‘scalable’ and ‘replicable’ platform.

The report will be able to tell advertisers how many people saw the ad, and whether the ads were seen on TV, online, or both.

The system works in the UK by combining Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings, which were launched in October 2012, with TV data from BARB. Results are delivered in terms of reach, frequency, Gross Rating Points, unique audience and impressions – all at a daily level.

“Crucial for all advertisers is an understanding of how people use media within their lives, and more specifically how online and TV complement each other, which is an important route to best maximising the benefits of each,” said Mondelez’s International area media manager for UK, Ireland & Nordics, Derek Luddem.

“Removing the technical barriers to measuring how people really view content and advertising is crucial if we want to understand the delivery of our campaigns holistically and optimise them in flight. This test takes us that much closer to the picture we are looking for and better reflects consumer behaviours.”

Chief research officer Mark Greenstreet from Aegis Media, which is testing the system on its clients’ campaigns, added: “We’ve now entered the era where being able to measure and plan exposure to communications across all screen devices is essential in order to deliver efficient and effective display campaigns. Nielsen Cross-Platform Campaign Ratings is a major step forward.”

Nielsen’s managing director of media in the UK James Oates said that the advertising world needs to adapt to the way in which consumers are living ‘platform-agnostic’ lives.

“Creating a way to reach, measure and monetise inventory across screens and platforms advances the industry towards the high-calibre, seamless standard that can provide new opportunities for advertisers, agencies and publishers – allowing a mutual exchange of value between buyer and seller,” he said.

Trials will begin with immediate effect.

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