
Million Pound Drop app surpasses two million downloads

Million Pound Drop app surpasses two million downloads

million pound drop

The return of Channel 4’s Million Pound Drop Live last weekend saw the programme’s app add another 300,000 downloads, taking the total figure to 2.1 million.

The mobile app was created by series producers Remarkable Television and was developed by dual screen technology pioneers Monterosa.

Channel 4’s MultiPlatform Commissioner, Jody Smith said: “The Million Pound Drop has been Channel 4’s most popular programme app to date and is the most common way that people like to play along with the show, with more than 60% playing on ios and Android, over laptop. Regularly releasing new features and extra questions has helped keep people interested, including a new bonus round for this series.”

Smith added that the freemium model has seen success as well, with 10% of Channel 4’s install base paying for extra features – approximately 7% above industry average.

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