
BBC iPlayer named number one brand by YouGov study

BBC iPlayer named number one brand by YouGov study

BBC iPlayer

BBC iPlayer has been ranked the top brand in terms of consumer perception for the first half of 2013, according to YouGov’s BrandIndex study.

BrandIndex is the authoritative measure of brand perception, analysing the public perception of thousands of brands across a number of sectors via consumer interviews.

BrandIndex tracks perception across several different measures (Buzz, Attention, Quality, Value, Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Reputation, General Impression, Recommendation) to identify key areas for improvement and subsequently measure the effectiveness of any strategic actions, as well as tracking how brands compare in different areas.

The BBC’s internet television and radio service, which was launched in 2007, had the highest ‘Buzz’ score of any UK brand for the first half of this year, with electronics giant Samsung climbing five places to the second spot compared with last year.

YouTube – a new entry to the top 10 – took seventh position, while the BBC (another new entry) came in at sixth.

“BBC iPlayer and bbc.co.uk continue to outstrip their parent brand in terms of consumer perception,” said YouGov’s Donald Miller.

“This shows that consumers can in fact separate different parts of an organisation in their minds, and so if one part of a company gets some bad press it doesn’t necessarily drag down the elements that are working well.”

In terms of the most improved brands so far this year, Sky was ranked fifth and Samsung sixth – with the London Underground taking the top spot.

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