
New tool allows brands to deliver messages via CAPTCHA

New tool allows brands to deliver messages via CAPTCHA


Solve Media has announced the launch of TYPE-IN online advertising in Europe – a tool that replaces standard CAPTCHA codes with brand messages. Early partners for this ad technology within Europe include MasterCard and Unilever.

TYPE-IN advertising allows brands to create native experiences for consumers when it comes to CAPTCHA, display, video, pre-roll and mobile formats, and ultimately aims to create new revenue opportunities for publishers and improve consumers’ user experiences.

The new technology replaces the distorted words, numbers and phrases typically used for puzzle-based CAPTCHA human authentication systems with a simple logo, a brand message in quotes and an input box.

Advertisers only pay for messages that have been both read and typed correctly, thus ensuring each TYPE-IN purchased has not only been read and comprehended by a consumer, but also repeated. Engagement rates for TYPE-INs reach around 40%, compared with rates of 1% or less for typical online display ads.

Guillaume Conteville, business leader, Europe Media, MasterCard said: “Solve Media’s TYPE-IN solution has enabled MasterCard to directly access consumer attention that was previously untapped. comScore surveys proved that MasterCard’s TYPE-IN campaigns vastly outperformed the standard display industry benchmarks.”

Solve Media has also partnered with Unilever for engagement on web properties such as Bauer Media websites and AOL Networks.

Unilever recently compressed the size of its Dove, Sure & Vaseline deodorant cans and wanted to raise consumer awareness that the half-size compressed cans last just as long. Solve Media’s online advertising platform is being used to explain to consumers the new product range with the TYPE-IN phrase, ‘lasts just as long’, and has resulted in an awareness lift of 151% and a click through rate of 3.62%.


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