
Channel 4 launches mobile downloads on 4oD

Channel 4 launches mobile downloads on 4oD

Channel 4 4oD

Channel 4 has announced the launch of a new mobile offline viewing service for 4oD.

The free feature, supported by ads and available on both iOS and Android devices exclusively to viewers who register with Channel 4, will give viewers the opportunity to download and catch up with Channel 4 shows from the last 30 days on smartphone and tablet devices.

Channel 4 has struck a commercial partnership with Nissan, brokered through its agency partner Manning Gottlieb, to sponsor the new mobile download feature for six months from launch. Nissan’s logo will appear on all download pages, with banner style integrated placement within the product’s queue page and download list. Nissan will also take the first in break position on all pre-roll advertising run on downloaded content.

“We’re thrilled to unveil our eagerly-awaited free download service on 4oD, giving our viewers even more flexibility to watch our programmes wherever they are, and helping them organise their TV viewing around their busy lives,” said Sarah Rose, director of commercial and business development for Channel 4.

“This is the latest development in our Viewer Engagement strategy to reward our now over 8 million and rising registered viewers with exclusive benefits to ensure they get the most out of their Channel 4 experience.

“Our fast growing database also enables us to deliver more innovative and engaging advertising solutions to our commercial partners including enhanced targeted ad packages – and our valuable young, engaged audience.”

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