
ABC national newspaper round-up: July 2013

ABC national newspaper round-up: July 2013


A historic British win at the Wimbledon Championships and the birth of a future King helped to secure circulation increases for all three newspaper markets this month, despite general year on year declines.

Daily titles

In the quality market, the Times came out on top with a 2.4% increase, period on period (PoP), however it was the Daily Telegraph that boosted its circulation figure the most – adding almost 12,000 across July.

The Financial Times experienced the greatest loss, down -5.3% (13,720 copies).

In the mid market, the Daily Mail suffered an even bigger loss of circulation, dropping 24,601 PoP (-1.4%), while the Daily Express‘ circulation grew by 2.1% – an addition of almost 11,000 compared with June.

The popular market remained fairly stable in July, with the greatest period increase belonging to the Sun (1.7%, 37,398) after its extensive coverage of the royal baby.

The Daily Record was the only title to see any loss, down -1.1%.

Overall, the daily titles added just short of 40,000 in circulation in July, up 0.5% PoP.

London Free Press

The London Free Press broke even in July, with no overall change. Both City A.M. and the London Evening Standard were up PoP – 0.5% and 0.3%, respectively – while the Metro (London) saw a marginal decrease of -0.3% (2,255).

Sunday titles

In the quality market, which has now added Scotland on Sunday (no comparable figures as of yet), the largest period percentage increase belonged to the Observer, up 3.7%. However it was the Sunday Telegraph that added the greatest number to its circulation at just over 14,000.

None of the Sunday titles in the quality market experienced any PoP losses, despite all dropping significantly year on year.

The Sunday Post was the only title in the mid market to experience a PoP loss in circulation (-0.9%), however both the Mail on Sunday and Sunday Express added 20,000 to theirs.

In the popular market, the Sun (Sunday) ruled the roost with a 2.8% PoP increase, translating to a circulation boost of over 52,000, while the Sunday Mirror added 7,800, and the Daily Star Sunday 5,900.

The Sunday Mail was the only title in the popular market to see a loss, though it was a marginal -1%.

Overall, the Sunday titles were up 1.7% PoP, equating to almost 134,000 extra copies.

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