
Vauxhall in advertising first with Channel 4’s ‘Adapt’

Vauxhall in advertising first with Channel 4’s ‘Adapt’


Channel 4 has announced that Vauxhall will be the first advertiser to launch 4oD’s brand new digital ad product Adapt, promoting new city car Adam.

In what is being described as a UK media first, the new digital ad format enables advertisers to serve alternative bespoke creative content to different viewers registered with Channel4.com based upon their age and gender.

The broadcaster’s 8.5 million database allows brands to reach one in three of the UK’s 16-24 year olds.

Viewers will be served either a male or female version of the ad’s interactive features based on their registration data. The female creative contains a personality quiz feature and also a competition link. The male creative consists of a car colour palette, allowing users to visualise the car in a range of different colours, as well as video elements.

Commenting on the move, David Amodio, digital and creative lead for Channel 4 said: “This is great example of Channel 4 bringing together our viewer data strategy alongside our innovative suite of 40D ad formats to offer advertisers the chance to target the right audiences with impactful and engaging creative.”

Matthew Eagle, broadcast manager, Carat, who helped broker the deal, added: “Channel 4 are leading the way in ad innovation across the VOD platform, with highly engaging advertising formats. The Adapt targeting format will enable clients to move into a space with data driven targeting at the heart, allowing us to continue our mission to drive real business value for our clients that use it.”

The launch of Adapt bolsters the existing portfolio of eight digital ad products on 4oD including Ad Pause, Ad Extend, Ad Link, Ad Mix and Ad Bloom, giving advertisers even more opportunities to engage with audiences.

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