
Netflix to roll-out Super HD to all subscribers

Netflix to roll-out Super HD to all subscribers

Netflix is to offer Super HD streaming to all of its subscribers for free, effective immediately.

Writing in a blog post last week, the video streaming service’s director of corporate communications, Joris Evers, said that all subscribers will now have access to the highest quality HD streams available on Netflix, regardless of their internet service provider.

Evers explained that Netflix uses adaptive streaming to adjust video quality based on available bandwidth; those that subscribe to an ISP with a direct Netflix connection will have a better stream than those who don’t.

“We initially rolled out Super HD in January only through ISPs with a direct connection to Netflix,” said Evers. “Based on the performance data we’ve seen, and in response to member requests, we are now expanding availability to give all our members the ability to enjoy Netflix in the best possible quality.”

HD and Super HD are only available on certain titles and can only be displayed on services that support Netflix.

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