
Technology redefining how families communicate

Technology redefining how families communicate

Almost one in three families communicate via digital means while in the home, according to a new study from Microsoft Advertising.

The report, which sampled 1,500 families across the UK, revealed that the average family home has 10 devices – six of which are connected to the internet – with 73% of respondents saying that they second screen while watching TV.

Tim Lumb, research manager at Microsoft Advertising said that the research gives brands and advertisers plenty to think about by revealing a new method of communication between family members in the home.

“Just a few years ago, texts, Facebook posts and video calls were reserved for making contact with people who couldn’t be reached through traditional communication, but this is no longer the case.

“Parents we spoke to are embracing new technologies as a way of bringing added convenience to day-to-day tasks,” Lumb explained, stating that a number of parents surveyed admitted to making video calls to let their children know that dinner was ready.

Owen Sagness, UK general manager for Microsoft Advertising and Online said: “The attention of the consumer has moved to multitasking on a range of devices whilst watching TV, making it crucial for advertisers to roll out an effective multi-platform strategy.

“Ensuring your campaigns are relevant and useful to whatever your audience is doing at that time is more important than ever. Having an insight into what people are doing at any time on a day-to-day basis is essential.”

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