
Radio listeners would pay for content

Radio listeners would pay for content

Commercial radio provides listeners with a value in kind of £1.5 billion a year and is highly valued by millions of people in the UK, according to new research from Kantar Media and the RadioCentre.

The research, based on a study of more than 3,000 UK adults aged 16 years or older, shows that on average individual commercial radio listeners would be willing to pay over £42 a year to access content, with 63% saying that commercial radio provides them with a ‘unique’ offering that they could not find elsewhere.

77% of respondents said that commercial radio keeps them well informed; delivering valuable content to their local communities, while 65% said it has a positive impact.

Eight in ten said that they would miss it if it no longer existed.

Preliminary findings from the study were announced at an event at the House of Commons on Wednesday to mark 40 years since the launch of commercial radio in the UK.

“Listeners believe commercial radio delivers really valuable content that is important to them personally – whether it’s in music, entertainment, news or information – and we’re exceeding expectations across the board,” said Linda Smith, interim CEO of RadioCentre.

“Our message to Government and Ofcom is that this value is at risk unless they provide clarity on digital radio and take a fresh look at commercial radio regulation.”

The news comes alongside the latest Rajar results, which revealed that 90% of the UK adult population (15+) tune in to radio every week – up by approximately 1 million year on year.

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