
ABC September 2013: Independent online sees strongest growth

ABC September 2013: Independent online sees strongest growth

The latest ABC results for UK newsbrands’ online platforms paints a healthy picture for digital, with just the Mirror Group Digital seeing any decline across the period.

Down -13.2%, the Mirror Group Digital lost almost 230,000 average daily unique browsers in September, taking its total to just over 1.5 million per day.

The Independent online reported the biggest percentage increase, up 6.6% to almost 1.4 million, followed by the MailOnline, up 5.4% to just short of 9.5 million average unique daily browsers.

Guardian.co.uk added just over 80,000 unique daily browsers (up 1.8%), while the Telegraph online added an extra 92,000 (up,1.8%).

ABC Sep 13 Trend

ABC Sep 13 Change

ABC Online National Newspapers – September 2013
Site Sep 13 Daily Average Unique Browsers Aug 13 Daily Average Unique Browsers Change % Change
MailOnline 9,490,332 9,004,285 486,047 5.4
guardian.co.uk 4,600,140 4,519,849 80,291 1.8
Telegraph 3,200,388 3,108,353 92,035 3.0
The Independent 1,380,673 1,295,170 85,503 6.6
Mirror Group Digital 1,502,979 1,731,520 -228,541 -13.2
Source: ABC

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