
Report says TV makers must do more to sell idea of Smart TVs

Report says TV makers must do more to sell idea of Smart TVs

Almost three quarters of US consumers are not interested in buying a smart TV in the next 12 months, according to a new survey conducted by IHS.

The results revealed that among consumers aware of smart TVs, only 30% intend to purchase one in the next year.

“The latest results of the IHS US TV Consumer Survey show that TV makers have both a challenge and an opportunity when it comes to selling consumers smart TVs,” said Veronica Thayer, analyst for consumer electronics and technology at IHS.

“Few consumers at present want to buy smart TVs now. However, demand can be cultivated if television brands better explain to consumers what smart TVs are, what they do and why they should buy one.”

Among those consumers who already own a smart TV, IHS says that almost 90% connect their set to the internet, and 80% use them to access over-the-top services such as Netflix, which Thayer says shows that alternative video services are becoming more popular and relevant among US consumers.

However in the UK, a YouGov study earlier this year revealed that despite a “huge desire” to receive content and services through television, Smart TVs trail laptops, desktops and set-top boxes when it comes to consumers deciding how to connect to the internet through their sets.

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