
IPA and ISBA to launch new pitch principles

IPA and ISBA to launch new pitch principles

The IPA and ISBA have produced six media pitch principles in an aim to help ensure a more efficient, cohesive and cost-effective media pitch process for both clients and agencies.

It was revealed in an IPA study last month that a fifth of agencies experience a negative pitch process.

The latest developments from the IPA and ISBA reflect the need for change – as outlined by IPA president Ian Priest at last month’s first ‘Adaptathon’ – and have been created as a follow up to its existing six pitch principles, acknowledging the evolving remit of media agencies and the rise of e-auctions in the pitching process.

The six media pitch principles include treating each pitch with respect, following guidelines, defining scope and being open and transparent from the outset.

“By setting out this guidance we hope to encourage more open dialogue between clients and agencies, more collaboration, fewer surprises and ultimately less waste from the pitch process,” said Cormac Loughran, co-chair of the IPA new business and marketing group and CMO, Aegis Media UK.

“I implore any media agency or client about to embark on a media pitch to not only make these principles their first port of call, but to use them throughout the process to ensure a mutually beneficial outcome.”

Debbie Morrison, ISBA’s director of consultancy & best practice, added: “The health of any client/agency relationship depends to a large extent on trust, clarity and respect between parties.

“With media pitches becoming increasingly competitive and complicated, it is to everyone’s advantage to ensure the foundations of their relationships are strong, right from the start.”

A detailed list of the pitch principles can be found here.

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