
OTT TV viewing on the rise

OTT TV viewing on the rise

More than half of adult broadband users have increased their consumption of online video on their TV in the last year, according to new research from The Diffusion Group.

While just 8% of net-connected TV users reported a decline in OTT TV viewership, 24% said that they have increased consumption significantly – meaning that connected TV users are six times more likely to have increased their use of the medium than to have decreased it.

However, despite recorded increases, 34% said that their connected TV use has stayed the same over the last year.

The data – drawn from TDG’s video behaviour research study – analyses a variety of video behaviours, including the use of traditional TV and new viewing platforms.

“That consumers are watching more over-the-top video is not itself surprising,” said TDG co-founder Michael Greeson. “But to see such a widespread increase in OTT TV viewing is dramatic, especially as pay-TV subscriptions in the US are experiencing their greatest 12-month losses to date.”

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