
Videology ‘solves’ data scarcity problem

Videology ‘solves’ data scarcity problem

Videology has announced a partnership with AddThis that will allow the video advertising platform to find specific audiences at scale – even in markets where conventional data is “scarce or unavailable”.

The agreement will enable Videology to create profiles based on consumer interests and inferred demographics, with propriety insights giving the company the ability to create consumer segments for both standard target groups and bespoke audiences for advertisers.

As a result of AddThis’ global behavioural data which includes view, search, URL and inferred metadata based on approximately 100 billion page loads a month, Videology hopes to be able to provide a more comprehensive level of granular targeting.

The data is currently live in the US, Canada, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, and is being introduced in Russia, Australia, Southeast Asia, Latin America and the UK. Other countries will follow in due course.

“In many countries that aren’t established data providers and sourcing the data required to enable precise targeting at scale is all but impossible,” said Catherine Hallam, director of product, data strategy and analytics at Videology.

“As a result, we’re helping to solve a perennial problem in programmatic buying and helping marketers across the globe to make smarter decisions.”

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