
Mobile increasingly influencing in-store sales

Mobile increasingly influencing in-store sales

Mobile influenced £18 billion worth of in-store sales in 2013 and the figure is expected to rise to £41 billion in the next three years, according to new research from Deloitte.

The company’s latest mobile influence report reveals that last year, mobile influenced almost 7% of in-store purchases – up 45% on 2012.

While this figure remains behind e-commerce sales, which accounted for £29 billion in 2013 and is expected to rise to £52 billion in 2017, Deloitte forecasts mobile influence to more than double over the next three years – the greatest percentage increase out of store sales, e-commerce and m-commerce.

The research also found that mobile-influenced consumers are more valuable, spending 63% more than average. Those who used a smartphone during their shopping trip spent an average of £93.1, compared with those who used one before (£65.6) and those who didn’t use one at all (£51.6).

Of these purchases, 79% were for electronic goods/appliances, 75% for sporting goods/games/toys, 72% for furniture/home furnishings, 55% for food/drink and 51% for health/personal care

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