
Study predicts free-for-all publishing over next 25 years

Study predicts free-for-all publishing over next 25 years

Over the next 25 years, consumer created and curated content will evolve to stand shoulder to shoulder with professionally produced news and entertainment, according to a new report from ZenithOptimedia.

The study, which identifies six future trends for the next quarter of a century, predicts the emergence of individual content producers and publishers creating content for the wider public – in some cases published by traditional media corporations.

ZenithOptimedia writes that “despite the phenomenal growth of consumer created content, there will still be a strong need for professionally produced content from mainstream publishers and entertainment companies.”

Alongside the democratisation of content, the media agency also predicts the rise of the Internet of Everything – a reoccurring theme at this year’s annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which saw everything from connected fridges to connected coffee cups.

The company expects wearable devices – and even chips implanted under the skin – to become commonplace, ultimately enabling brands to “personalise and deliver products and services for our every need.”

Other predicted trends include the Age of the i-Street, that will see the high street evolve to give consumers sensory experiences where they can interact with brands and products; a major shift in global economic power – with Brazil, Russia, India and China generating half of the world’s GDP by 2030; and companies shifting from using social media primarily as a communication platform to adopting it as a fundamental part of their business model.

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