
Newsline columnists shortlisted for marketing book award

Newsline columnists shortlisted for marketing book award

Digital State: How the Internet is Changing Everything, for which two Newsline columnists have contributed, has been nominated for Marketing Book of the Year.

The book, which launched last summer, aims to untangle complications surrounding the digital world, while demonstrating why digital is so important to us all.

Written and edited by Newsline columnist, Simon Pont, the book also features a chapter from regular Greg Grimmer on the Digital State we are living in.

B2B Marketing described it as “fiercely intelligent and genuinely useful”, with ForeWord Reviews claiming that it gave “a unique perspective on digital media”.

The voting will be conducted online and will result in a top five shortlist, whereby a professional jury of 15 senior marketers will individually evaluate and rank each book on its value and merits to the marketing profession. The key evaluation factor is ‘inspiration’.

Last year’s winner was ‘Defending Your Brand’ by Tim Calkins.

Commenting on the nomination, Pont said that figuring in the same company as Philip Kotler and New York Times best-sellers like Chris Trimble and Gary Vaynerchuk is a huge privilege and that he is delighted to see the book recognised.

Grimmer added: “My small contribution to this great book shouldn’t put people off reading it. There are some great thought provoking pieces in there to consume and enjoy.”

You can find out how to vote for the Marketing Book of the Year by clicking on the following link. The winner will be announced on March 1.

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