
NRS PADD to release mobile and tablet data

NRS PADD to release mobile and tablet data

The National Readership Survey (NRS) has confirmed plans to introduce mobile and tablet readership measurement to NRS PADD during 2014. The additional data will show publishers’ total brand reach, in combination with the estimates for reading in print and on PC websites already published.

NRS, which conducts face-to-face surveys of 36,000 people per year, now includes questions about whether consumers have accessed publisher brands across a wide range of digital platforms.

Platforms include: website on a mobile and/or tablet, app on a mobile and/or tablet, and digital edition on PC, laptop, tablet and/or e-reader.

At launch, it will cover 13 newsbrands and 24 magazine brands.

“The extension of our reports to include tablet and mobile data is a huge step for the organisation,” said Mike Ironside, chief executive at NRS.

“It has been in our plans since the launch of NRS PADD last year, and we’re extremely excited that it is finally coming to fruition. Not only will the market have measures of total reach for the brands concerned, they will be able to compare and analyse these multi-platform audiences in any way they wish.”

Jane Ratcliffe, chairman, MediaCom, added: “Over the last fifteen months NRS PADD has become a trusted source for all media planners, and the addition of mobile and tablet data will only increase its relevance to the rise and rise of the newsbrand.

“There has been too much talk in the press about the demise of print, but the addition of this data will complete the picture of true multichannel readership and demonstrate an industry that continues to hold relevance in the modern era.”

NRS PADD has been providing estimates of the combined reach of print and PC websites based on a fusion of NRS and UKOM (comScore) data since its launch in September 2012. The new mobile and tablet estimates will be added to this dataset, subject to sample sizes and approval.

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