
Premium Video Ads launch on Facebook

Premium Video Ads launch on Facebook

Following a testing period which began in December, Facebook has finally launched Premium Video Ads on to the site with a select group of advertisers.

Designed to reach a large audience with “high-quality sight, sound and motion,” each 15-second ad will begin playing without sound as it appears on screen and stop if people scroll past it. If people tap the video, it will expand into a full-screen view and sound will start.

In a similar way to how advertisers buy and measure ads on TV, the new video ads are purchased based on Targeted Gross Rating Points to reach a specific audience over a short period of time, with delivery measured by Nielsen.

“With Premium Video Ads, brands now have another way of engaging people on Facebook with compelling video experiences,” Facebook wrote in a blog post.

“We’ll roll out Premium Video Ads slowly and monitor how people interact with them. This limited introduction allows us to concentrate our efforts on a smaller number of advertisers with high-quality campaigns to create the best possible experience on Facebook.”

Facebook has said that users can expect to see the new ads on their newsfeeds in the next few months.

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