
Metaio launches first see-through wearable augmented reality

Metaio launches first see-through wearable augmented reality

Augmented reality software company, Metaio, has announced the creation of the first see-through wearable augmented reality capabilities.

While augmented reality technology such as Google Glass and Oculus Rift relies on a camera video feed that duplicates reality rather than using reality itself, Metaio’s newest software development kit (SDK) allows users to perceive reality with digital and virtual content overlaid directly onto their surroundings.

Currently serving 80,000 developers, the SDK is equipped with “optical, truly transparent augmented reality rendering,” which allows users to view augmented content as if directly in front of them – from consumers being able to visualise product information in-store or at home, to game developers creating games that merge virtual and physical worlds.

Metaio’s CTO, Peter Meier, said: “We strive for seamless wearable AR. We want to go beyond the limitations of form factors to deliver truly ground-breaking experiences.”

The latest SDK is optimised for a number of wearable computing devices, and will feature high-definition rendering for iOS devices along with new in-Beta face detection algorithms.

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