
ABC April: MailOnline, Guardian and Telegraph all down

ABC April: MailOnline, Guardian and Telegraph all down

The usual top three performing UK news websites suffered declines last month, according to the latest ABC analysis.

A -3.1% decline in average unique daily browsers saw the MailOnline lose over 352,000 visitors a day, while a -3.7% drop lost guardian.co.uk almost 208,000 and a -7.7% drop the Telegraph’s online site 274,000.

Sister site to MailOnline, Metro.co.uk, also suffered, with a -10.3% decrease losing the site almost 120,000 visitors a day.

In contrast, a 16.7% increase netted express.co.uk an extra 69,000 daily visitors on average, with the second greatest increase belonging to dailystar.co.uk, up 6% to add an extra 20,000.

Manchestereveningnews.co.uk saw a small 3.2% lift in daily browsers, taking its total to 257,000, while a 4% increase for www.liverpoolecho.co.uk took its average daily visitors comfortably over the 200,000 mark.

ABC Online Newspapers – April 2014
Site Apr 14 Daily Average Unique Browsers Mar 14 Daily Average Unique Browsers Change % Change
MailOnline 10,913,953 11,266,272 -352,319 -3.1
guardian.co.uk 5,462,141 5,670,062 -207,921 -3.7
Telegraph 3,277,333 3,551,333 -274,000 -7.7
Trinity Mirror Nationals 2,519,559 2,516,514 3,045 0.1
The Independent 1,595,758 1,652,478 -56,720 -3.4
Metro 1,036,570 1,155,504 -118,934 -10.3
express.co.uk 481,675 412,896 68,779 16.7
dailystar.co.uk 353,651 333,668 19,983 6.0
standard.co.uk 236,689 230,329 6,360 2.8
manchestereveningnews.co.uk 257,041 249,052 7,989 3.2
www.liverpoolecho.co.uk 204,934 197,074 7,860 4.0
Source: ABC



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