
New eye-tracking tech aims to tackle accountability in OOH

New eye-tracking tech aims to tackle accountability in OOH

New eye-tracking technology has today been launched in a bid to address the growing issue of accountability in outdoor advertising.

Developed by video network CScreens, the technology will for the first time allow advertisers to see how their campaign is performing across a number of out-of-home formats and locations – from billboards to televisions in pubs – showing the number of people looking at an ad, how long they are looking for, their gender and approximate age.

The first campaign using the technology is set to run during the World Cup to measure audience engagement across TV screens at live ‘experiential’ events in London, over 330 pubs and 50 five-a-side football centres.

“People talk about cross-platform video optimisation across PC, mobile and tablet but this is a whole new dimension incorporating in and out-of-home including billboards, experiential and communal locations,” said Richard Hicks, co-founder of CScreen.

“Alongside making campaigns more efficient for advertisers, it solves a crucial problem by providing accountability on how targeted outdoor advertising is. A combination of higher ROI and more accountability should provide a real boost to outdoor going forward.”

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