
Who are the social media World Cup winners?

Who are the social media World Cup winners?

Mexico would be crowned this year’s World Cup winner if the competition was based on social media audiences, according to programmatic advertising company RadiumOneUK.

With a social media audience of almost 8.3 million, Mexico is almost 2 million ahead of second-place country Brazil (6.5 million) and has a social media audience 855 times bigger than that of Cameroon.

The ‘social score’ methodology is based on a team’s total audience across leading global social networks including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Google+.

The social scoring means, after a cruel opening match against Italy, England might find some minuscule nugget of solace in knowing that it came in third position in the social media world with an impressive audience of 5 million – ahead of Germany, Italy, France and the USA.

World Cup social media

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