
Durex vs. Ronaldo: Which ads get British women going?

Durex vs. Ronaldo: Which ads get British women going?

World Cup advertisers might have alienated a huge proportion of football fans by making ads that don’t engage women, according to a new report.

The research revealed that big World Cup advertisers that rely on the game and its stars in their campaigns are leaving the women of Britain much like the summer weather – a little bit cold – while cheekier brands that don’t take football too seriously are much more likely to score with female viewers.

With 38% of women in UK planning to watch the World Cup final, the news could be a blow to many advertisers.

Women were found to enjoy the World Cup for its inclusivity and fun; too much concentration on the serious side of football and players prompts feelings that the event is over-hyped and boring.

Durex made the biggest impression among British women by creating an ad which was considered “refreshing and very funny” and centred on outrageous diving in football with the end line: ‘Don’t fake it.’

McDonald’s’ inclusive play on football and use of female characters as a natural part of the story was also considered appealing, as was Carlsberg’s use of “down to earth humour”; however Listerine’s creation of a World Cup ad was described as “crass opportunism” by the women surveyed who could see no connection between the product and the event.

While Vauxhall gained marks for patriotism from some women, it lost them for jingoism among others, and Kia seemed to confuse more women than it attracted with model Adriana Lima trying to convince non-football fans to become World Cup supporters.

“Advertisers such as Nike and Adidas are relying on the football and footballers in their commercials,” explained Alice Morgan, researcher at The Nursery.

“There are plenty of women who enjoy the World Cup but they often think that players are overpaid and they are cynical about the game itself. These sports brands can risk alienating the significant proportion of the female population that is watching.”

Morgan added that some of the biggest global brands have missed an opportunity to engage with women watching the tournament.

“Too many have bought into the hype of Ronaldo and co on the pitch and have missed the power of the World Cup to bring people together and have fun.”

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