
ABC Consumer January – June 2014: News and Current Affairs

ABC Consumer January – June 2014: News and Current Affairs

For the first time Newsline is reporting on combined print and digital (gross) figures for all magazine brands, as this is now ABC’s “headline figure”.

Although the separate figures for print and digital are revealed in the charts below, all copy will only reference combined data. As a result, please note that there is no comparable year-on-year data.


The latest Consumer ABC results for January – June 2014 reveal little change for titles in the Domestic sector, with the top three titles maintaining their positions.

Despite seeing a -2.6% PoP decline in gross monthly circulation over the period, Pressdram Ltd’s Private Eye came out on top with almost 218,300.

A 0.6% PoP increase meant that Dennis Publishing’s The Week closed in on the 200,000 mark, while BBC History Magazine was up 0.7% PoP to secure nearly 90,000.

The greatest increases in gross monthly circulation belonged to Prospect, up 2.1% PoP, and The Oldie, up 1.9% PoP.

The only other title to see a decrease other than Private Eye was Limerick Post, down -0.7%.

News & Current Affairs – Domestic: Jan-Jul 2014 Comparisons
Print & Digital (Gross) Total Print Circulation Total Digital Circulation
Title Publisher Jan 14 – Jun 14 % PoP % YoY Jan 14 – Jun 14 % PoP % YoY Jan 14 – Jun 14 % PoP % YoY
Total 674,652 663,366 11,286
Private Eye Pressdram Ltd 218,290 -2.6 n/a 218,290 -2.6 -2.1 n/a n/a n/a
The Week Dennis Publishing Limited 199,459 0.6 n/a 199,459 0.6 1.1 n/a n/a n/a
BBC History Magazine Immediate Media Company 89,981 0.7 n/a 78,695 0.6 4.7 11,286 1.3 28.7
The Spectator excluding Australia Spectator (1828) Ltd 54,256 0.3 n/a 54,256 0.3 3.1 n/a n/a n/a
The Oldie Oldie Publications 45,410 1.9 n/a 45,410 1.9 0.6 n/a n/a n/a
Limerick Post Carnbeg Ltd 35,942 -0.7 n/a 35,942 -0.7 -1.2 n/a n/a n/a
Prospect Prospect Publishing Ltd 31,314 2.1 n/a 31,314 2.1 2.0 n/a n/a n/a


Business & Finance

The period brought some good news for the Business & Finance sector, with no titles recording any decline in gross monthly circulation.

While three of the four Economist titles led the ranks once again, with the Europe, UK and Asia Pacific editions up 1.1% PoP, 1.2%, PoP and 0.8% PoP, respectively, it was the Investors Chronicle that recorded the greatest increase in gross monthly circulation, up 7.5% PoP.

The next greatest increase in gross monthly circulation belonged to the remaining Economist title for the Middle East/Africa, up 2.8%, followed by China Daily European Weekly and MoneyWeek, both up 1.9% PoP.

News & Current Affairs – Business & Finance: Jan-Jul 2014 Comparisons
Print & Digital (Gross) Total Print Circulation Total Digital Circulation
Title Publisher Jan 14 – Jun 14 % PoP % YoY Jan 14 – Jun 14 % PoP % YoY Jan 14 – Jun 14 % PoP % YoY
Total 830,546 760,795 69,751
The Economist – Continental Europe Edition The Economist Newspaper Ltd 248,388 1.1 n/a 225,966 -1.2 -1.7 22,422 31.5 58.8
The Economist – United Kingdom Edition The Economist Newspaper Ltd 223,730 1.2 n/a 201,950 -3.1 -3.5 21,780 72.3 147.0
The Economist – Asia Pacific Edition The Economist Newspaper Ltd 152,348 0.8 n/a 130,152 -4.4 -8.1 22,196 48.7 92.6
China Daily European Weekly China Daily UK Co. Ltd 92,547 1.9 n/a 92,547 1.9 5.8 n/a n/a n/a
MoneyWeek MoneyWeek Ltd 57,851 1.9 n/a 57,851 1.9 11.8 n/a n/a n/a
Investors Chronicle FT Business 28,705 7.5 n/a 28,705 7.5 6.6 n/a n/a n/a
The Economist – Middle East/Africa Edition The Economist Newspaper Ltd 26,977 2.8 n/a 23,624 2.3 1.8 3,353 5.9 11.9


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