
Videology to integrate Nielsen UK data

Videology to integrate Nielsen UK data

Videology has announced a direct platform integration of Nielsen UK data, including the TV segments built from BARB’s TV panel data, to enable cross-screen planning, buying, delivery and measurement.

By fusing Nielsen’s NetView panel – which measures the behaviour of online audiences by demographic – to BARB’s TV panel, Nielsen will be able to take the TV viewing behaviours of the BARB panellists and unify them with its online consumer data for enhanced digital selection.

The move hopes to provide a single-source solution for advertisers to carry out cross-platform campaigns that can be optimised for bottom line results via Videology’s platform.

“This is a significant step forward for Videology and the UK online video industry as a whole,” said Rhys McLachlan, head of global TV strategies at Videology.

“Offering clients the ability to effectively forecast, plan and deliver online video campaigns, optimised in real-time and against TV-viewing data, is an evolutionary milestone in the establishment of online video as a legitimate channel on communication plans.”

Nielsen’s senior vice-president for research & analytics in Europe, Matt Dodd, added: “The UK is experiencing significant growth in the online video sector and consumers are increasingly viewing video content on various devices.

“As data continues to be the lifeblood for measuring audiences – especially for TV and video content – our extended collaboration with Videology means that, together, we’re able to help clients derive the most value from both our data sets.”

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