
Mobile now first port of call for getting product info

Mobile now first port of call for getting product info

Research released today by the Internet Advertising Bureau UK (IAB) shows the increasing role that mobile and tablets play with traditional media – with 81% now visiting the internet via an app or browser daily.

The study, carried out in conjunction with Kantar Media and with a sample size of over 2,000 Brits aged between 16-70 years old, reveals that the smartphone was the number one device for consumers aged between 16-34 when looking up product information, followed by a laptop.

‘Traditional media’ was found to be a trigger for consumers to do more research on their mobile phone about a product or service, with 59% claiming they were prompted by traditional media to follow up on their smartphone or tablet in the last four weeks.

IAB mobile

TV was the largest traditional media trigger for smartphone action, with 43% looking up more information on either their phone or tablet after seeing something on TV, compared to 28% for newspapers, 25% for outdoor and 21% for radio and magazines.

Looking at the specific types of triggers on each media that prompted people to reach for their phone or tablet, the study revealed that adverts were the top trigger for broadcast and outdoor. Adverts were also key prompts for print; however, editorial content was found to be the biggest trigger.

52% of smartphone owners said they had visited a non-mobile optimised site in the last month, while 69% said visiting non-mobile optimised sites was a “frustrating” experience.

Commenting on the research, Hannah Bewley, senior research manager at the IAB said: “The fact that 59% of smartphone owners had been prompted by traditional media in the last four weeks to look for more information on products shows that mobile is the glue that holds other media together.

“The study emphasised the importance of optimizing sites so that consumers are able to browse your site, research your product and transact on the move. With 73% not looking for an alternative device if they reach a non-optimised site, brands without a mobile strategy are risking losing customers.”

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