
Infectious Media serves tablet and TV ads in sync

Infectious Media serves tablet and TV ads in sync

Programmatic specialist Infectious Media has announced a new service that deploys ads on desktops and tablets “within milliseconds” of a TV advert appearing.

The development was inspired by the rise of “duel screening” which sees TV audiences simultaneously using another device, such as a mobile or tablet, during broadcast.

The technology is able to establish the right time to deploy ads by utilising a commercial database containing information on TV slots for over 2,000 channels, across 60 countries.

Research from the IAB shows that two-thirds of online Britons frequently use the internet whilst the TV is on and a quarter of smartphone owners look up information on their phone or tablet after seeing a TV ad.

In a statement, Infectious Media said the activity provides a “clear strategic opportunity for advertisers to interact with users across devices simultaneously to extend the reach and effectiveness of their TV campaigns.”

The company said a pilot of the service with two clients in the retail and media sectors resulted in a 15% increase in performance for some campaigns – compared to standard programmatic campaigns that are not TV-synced.

“Dual screening is especially prevalent during the festive period so using TV synchronised campaigns to influence audience purchase behaviour provides brands with a vital competitive edge,” said Andy Cocker, COO and co-founder, Infectious Media.

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