
Consumers wishing for a tech-filled Christmas

Consumers wishing for a tech-filled Christmas

Drones, robots and wearable tech were just some of the slightly more unusual devices to make people’s Christmas wish lists this year, according to Newsworks.

A recent study among UK adults found a request for a drone, robotic lawnmower and automatic cleaner, amidst numerous wishes for tablets, laptops and smartphones.

However, 42% of consumers failed to think of a tech item they would like for Christmas, which Newsworks suggests could be a result of households reaching a plateau in the number of devices they own.

Over the past 12 months, UK households have acquired two new tech devices on average, taking the average number per household to almost 7. Currently in the UK, 90% own computers, 73% own smartphones and 52% own tablets.

The study also highlighted the differences between UK adults and media agencies, with media agency respondents showing a much higher desire for tech-filled stockings this Christmas.


Unsurprisingly Apple is the most popular brand overall, with 21% of UK adults naming an Apple product on their Christmas wish list. Media bods were found to be particularly bias towards iPads, MacBooks and iPhones, with Apple products accounting for 49% of their list.

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