
Dennis Publishing CEO appointed PPA deputy chairman

Dennis Publishing CEO appointed PPA deputy chairman

James Tye, CEO of Dennis Publishing, has been appointed deputy chairman of the Professional Publishers Association.

Tye will serve as the association’s deputy chairman for one year from 1 January 2015 following a vote at a recent meeting of the PPA Board. He will then replace current chairman Kevin Costello, CEO of Haymarket Media Group, when he steps down from the role on 1 January 2016.

Tye became the chief executive of Dennis Publishing in 2006, where he was responsible for transforming the company from a traditional print publishing business to a multi-platform company. The publisher has grown its total revenues by 30% in the last three years.

Barry McIlheney, CEO of the PPA, said: “Having James on board as deputy chairman is a really positive move for the association. Dennis Publishing by its nature is a progressive, entrepreneurial company, as shown by the fact they were recently named Publisher of the Year at the PPA Digital Awards 2014.

“I have no doubt that James will bring that drive and energy to his role as deputy chairman and, ultimately, Chairman of the PPA. I’m excited to be working with both James and Kevin to ensure that the PPA continues to evolve and represent the changing priorities of the magazine media companies within our membership.”

James Tye added: “As magazines and publishing in general go through a period of unprecedented change, this is truly an exhilarating time for the PPA and its member companies. I very much look forward to working with the whole team to help ensure that the PPA retains its authority, relevance and effectiveness for many years to come.”

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